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Saturday, August 1, 2015

Back to School Tips For Teachers

Well, it's that time again.  With it comes joy and of course jitters.  We all as teachers have high expectations at the beginning of the school year; but, we do not live in a perfect world.  Most days things do not go as planned. Preparation is the key for a GREAT school year.  

Listed below are some helpful tips that can help make that transition back into the classroom a lot smoother.  We all have different needs, so please apply as many of these that pertain to you and change them up to fit your needs.
  1. In the beginning you must remember to be firm (not a mean hand).  It is much easier to ease up later
  2. Decide which routines and procedures you’ll have in place.  Discuss, demonstrate and model proper routines and procedures to the students. Then, PRACTICE the routines with the students often the first  weeks of school.  Review them as needed, throughout the year.
  3. Set a clear discipline plan  from day #1, a method for carrying out the plan and the consequences for not following the rules. MOST IMPORTANTLY - BE CONSISTENT!
  4. Have your first week of lesson plans ready to go. Allow for some fun "Get to Know You" activities ready.  Learn students learning styles—the more you know the better.
  5. Have seating assignment ready. You can always change seating once you learn your students.
  6. A substitute folder is a must.   Include important information about your classroom like a seating chart, your discipline plan, and class bell schedules.  Include a couple of emergency lesson plans (I had at least three, one for each semester)
  7. Try to set aside some time everyday to grade.  This is be a major lifesaver when progress report time rolls around.
  8. Give yourself and your students a new start everyday.  Don't let the problems of yesterday linger in your room. Forgive and Forget!
  9. Smile—every student is worthy of a smiling face.
  10. A successful teacher must have knowledge of their subject manner, patience and a sense of humor. 
Start the school year off by giving the students some engaging back to school activities. My "Back to School Chaos" product can do just there. This product includes 10 different activities to keep the students busy for the first few days of school while you as a teacher tend to those housekeeping duties that come with the beginning of school.
Click here to view more of the product

About Me Bubble Name Cloud – Students use their name and design a cloud with their different interests.

Autograph Game - students sign categories that pertain to them. There are 5 cards to have a variety if you would like; however, student can easily use the same card.

Name Ladder – students use their name and design a ladder finding words that begin and end with certain letters in their name.

Classroom Scavenger Hunt – students find things in the room with predetermine characteristics.

Alphabet School Scavenger Hunt – students use the alphabet to find words pertaining to school.

Crazy Compounds – students use pictures to put together and form new compound words. (2 versions with an additional sheet for students to create their own)

Back To School Homophone Poem - students try to see if they can find all the homophones hidden in this original poem.

Back To School Secret Message - students will use a Roman Numeral System to decode a secret message.

Classmate Bingo (played like the traditional bingo) - students fill the bingo card with names of their classmates. GREAT FUN!

I hope you enjoy this resource packet. Enjoy!

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